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North Country Mercantile

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Did you know that North Country Mercantile is a "Purina Certified Expert Dealer"? A "Purina Certified Expert Dealer" means that we offers a complete line of quality Purina feed products, have knowledgeable and trained associates and are a one-stop-shop for all our customers’ animal needs. Whether your focus is equine, cattle, wildlife, or pet; North Country offers the most complete source for your animal nutrition needs. As a Purina Certified Expert Dealer you can expect to find a full line of quality Purina products at our store along with knowledgeable, trained animal nutrition pros who can assist you with all your animals' nutritional needs. Look for the expert seal in our store and know that we are here to help you see the Purina Difference!

How many times do you walk into your feed store every year? Each time you walk in, are you greeted with a smile and an offer to help? Is the staff knowledgeable and up to date on the products they sell? Can they talk to you about the nutritional value of the products they offer? How much training have they had on the products they sell? Do they really care about you and your livestock or animal needs? At North Country Mercantile we take our role of educating animal owners seriously. It takes plenty of time and effort to learn about the products we sell so we are able to help answer any questions you may have.

Training is a key element at North Country Mercantile. In the case of Purina products, our staff receive additional training through a variety of methods. When new Purina products are being released, training is offered away from the store. Products that require a certain amount of technical expertise require certification for the store to sell them.

Many of our employees have had the opportunity to attend the Longview Animal Nutrition Center outside of St. Louis, MO. This Purina development center provides a great training ground to learn about the development of products and the nutrition behind them. Online training via the internet is also available, and not only to us. Customers interested in the nutritional value of their horse are encouraged to log on to Omolene University where you can find modules on horse nutrition. Cust

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